but now, there are much more important issues to be addressed. first of all, the bitchin' mittens are done! (mondrian style.) yeah, that's right, we used 'el cheapo' yarn, but try affording six colors of wool for some experimental mittens on a college-level budget. it ain't merino, but red heart has its (one) merit. behold the supreme gloriousness of these babies:

i'm going to shy away from more than two colors at once for several months. that got a little too complex at times. but oh, are they magnificent.
the rexlace belt is completed as well... though i didn't finish it in time to melt the ends in with a butane lighter before i left home. my roommate (linden, the exploding rainbow) knit a belt using a double strand of rexlace and yarn - that might work better, just so's you all know.
i'm currently working on a hat with waves, using SIX double pointed needles - not so portable, so it's coming along slowly. my other big project at the moment are the penguins that my aunt Deb designed and gave me yarn for. after that, we start working on the halloween costume.
-aside from knitting-
things are going well here in oberlin. the semester is underway, and i'm putting off work until Sunday, as usual. last night some friends and I went to see the Twins play the Indians at Jacob's Field. we (the Twins, of course) lost, but only due to a throwing error. i heard a newscaster say something about 'in baseball - a big win for the Indians last night'. not quite. there were a couple of drunken guys behind us for a while (i hate to use the phrase 'white trash', but it fits) who had been getting on my nerves for several innings. (i'm not into consistently taunting the opponents' left fielders), and one of them actually caught a ball that Gutierrez threw up into the stands. even in his lowered state of character, he gave it to a kid. i guess Anne Frank was right about people. after the game, there was an overstimulating display of fireworks set to music. couldn't hear half of the musical cues, but there were some neat explosions.
this morning, Linden and i took the Lorain County Transit into Elyria and spent enormous amounts of money at craft stores. CLEARANCE YARN! i'm getting better about making yarn purchases with patterns in mind, but i'm still going on a yarn diet for the rest of the semester. (that means no more buying yarn. which i'm totally capable of. totally.
of course, the evening ended with X Files! Gender Bender and Our Town, both wonderful cult-centered episodes. Gender Bender was especially awesome, because one of the actors in it (Nick Lea) shows up later in the series as a recurring character (Alex Krycek). this was the first time i've seen Gender Bender after knowing this information, so it was a pretty enjoyable viewing. i won't bother you with talk of the weekend's original X Files plans, not today. instead, i'll feed you some more iTunes. song (album) - artist format, as always.
the monkees theme (the monkees) - the monkees
the prisoner (clash on broadway) - the clash
it don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing) (the great summit) - louis armstrong & duke ellington
a valjean arrested/a valjean forgiven (les miserables) - orginal london cast
girlfriend is better (stop making sense) - the talking heads
wonderful world (the soul story) - sam cooke
summertime (my favorite things) - john coltrane
moonlight serenade (pirates of the caribbean) - klaus badelt
drop dead gorgeous (just push play) - aerosmith
local road (sound theology) - jonathan rundman
grace and peace.